NGOs Information
National Center for NGO's Support

The National Center for NGOs Support in the Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the pioneering achievements and new additions of the Ministry of Social Development in the field of social development. The center aims to improve the performance of NGOs through providing new and innovative means and inputs that are far from stereotypes and imitation, and assist them in developing their self-capacities and achieving their comprehensive development goals by means of community participation at the highest levels of capacity and efficiency.

The objectives of the institutional building process of NGOs are as follows:
  1. Starting an organization with a system, an identity, mission and mechanisms that it seeks to achieve in its local community.
  2. To acquire the skills and experience necessary to fulfill the organization's mission. .
  3. Build a reciprocal relationship between the organization and community on one side, and with the active parties in the community served by the organization on the other.
  4. Foster an organizational learning system that helps to capture and retain the experience that others encounter.

Objectives of the Center:
  1. Build the capacity of NGOs to provide them with the skills and expertise necessary to achieve their mission and goals.
  2. Enable NGOs and increase their capacity to be an active partner in community development.
  3. Develop volunteer skills for volunteers.
  4. Motivate community members towards civil work.
  5. Instilling the right concepts of volunteering in all segments of society.

  1. Program for development projects: Financial Grants Program which was announced in September 2006 and provided by the Ministry of Social Development to NGOs working on the provision of unspecified annual financial grants to NGOs in Bahrain. They present ideas for special development projects related to the sector in which these societies operate. They, in turn, deliver tangible results from services and programs.
  2. Training Programs: The implementation of a number of training programs in different technical and administrative aspects for the civil work based on the actual needs of NGOs. .
  3. Provision of training halls and conducting NGO’s events: A hall has been provided at the National Center for conducting the activities of NGOs and various bodies of the ministry.
  4. Program for the evaluation of NGO’s institutional performance: The institutional evaluation is carried out in the evaluation of four areas (Internal democratic governance - Development activities, projects and programs implemented by NGOs - Public Administration - Financial Management).

Types of Support:

The center offers two main types of support: Technical support and financial support.

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